Google Expeditions-Google takes Students on a Virtual Reality Tour with VR Headsets

Google Expeditions- Google takes Valencia, Naperville & Aurora Students on a Virtual Reality Tour with VR Headsets
Google Expedtion app team took Fifth graders at Georgetown Elementary school for a trip to Congo, The Amazon rain forest !! That too without stepping out of their class room. Confused on how it's possible? Read on.
On the last Developer Conference, Google Unveiled their Expedition Virtual Reality application which allows students to take a virtual reality tour of various locations throughout the world. The students need to use a Google Cardboard Virtual Reality Headset[VR Headset] to which a smartphone is inserted. Students then can look through the Virtual Reality Headset to take a virtual reallity tour using the Google Expeditions Virtual Reality application.

The Google Expedition Virtual Reality application was tested on 31 random George Town school students whom used the App along with the Virtual Reality Headset [Google Cardboard] to take a tour of over 100 virtual tour locations available. 
The teacher can control which tour the students are taking with a tab or a smartphone device and all the students will be taken to a virtual tour. 

Such interactive teaching and learning will make the classrooms more engaging and interactive. Students will be much keener and excited in taking lesson and learning with a near real life experience using Virtual Reality. 
The results of the testing seems amazing. Following responses from the students will reveal the excitement !!
Kyrie Moen- "There's a whole bunch of colors and a whole bunch of fish," 
Taylor Chaney-Curry - "It feels like you just got teleported to a scene,"
Amber Quinn- "It looks cooler than an actual picture because you can see around you," 
The same virtual reality program was tested in fourth-graders at Georgetown, sixth-graders at Still Middle School, Aurora, Naperville for fourth, fifth-graders at Cowlishaw Elementary and sixth-graders at Hill Middle School
Once Google Finalizes and releases the virtual reality application, it is going to revolutionize education and learning to an extent.  
Read- How to use Google Maps to view 360 degree street view/ virtual tour of worldwide locations with 3D glasses/VR Headsets !!!

My VR Goggles- Delivering Virtual Reality Experiences with your Smartphone